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Loop is a transformative mindfulness experience created for the Anderson Collection at Stanford University.


Drawing on recent mindfulness science, Loop harnesses sight and sound to guide the mind toward relaxation. The experience pairs a guided visual meditation centered on a piece in the collection with a curated playlist to help visitors disconnect from their fast-paced lifestyle, and unwind in the peace and quiet of the galleries. With Loop, visitors will find themselves engaging more deeply with the artwork, and will leave feeling more connected to the present moment.


Loop allows students to recognize their subliminal stress by providing an external cue to step back and unwind from their constant high-functioning lives.


Loop utilizes visual and auditory stimulation to center users in the present moment. This also heightens engagement and a sense of fulfillment with the exhibit itself.


Loop transforms its users by slowing their minds from a mile a minute, to a relaxed and steady state.

“The music is definitely relaxing. You’re more comfortable and very content to just sit there and kind of feel, and when I’m not listening I’m just like ‘alright, what is this one, what is this one, I’ve gotta see all the paintings, I’ve gotta understand all of them - next, next, next.”


-Loop User

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